

Bachelor's degree
1st Year
Freshman English 、Reception Manner and Occupation Ethics 、Accounting、Economics 、Management 、Basic Physical Eduction 、Military Education I 、Introduction to Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism 、Physical Fitness Practice 、History and Culture of Taiwan 、Sport Injury and First Aids 、Leisure Psychology and consumer Behavior 、Marketing Management in Leisure Industry 、Statistics 、Introduction of Leisure Industrial Interpretation 、Practicum-on Campus 
2nd Year
Sophomore English 、The introduction of the World 、Body Sculpt 、Practice manager 、Hotel Management 、Culture Tourism of busness 、Restaurant management and operation 、leisure programming 、Massage and Stretching for Sport 、Basic Physical Eduction 
3rd Year
Senior Project 、Internship 、Proffessional Ethics and Career Management 、Lecture in Business、Customer Relationship Management 、Festival and Event 
4th Year
Management 、Resort Management 、leisure industry and the programmed unit lecturing 、Japanese Conversation
Bachelor's degree further study programs
1st Year
Management 、English 、Accounting 、Introduction to Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism 、Military Education I 、Basic Physical Eduction 、Aesthetics in Leisure Lives 、Domestic Travel 、Personal communication and Technique 
2nd Year
Intermediate English、Leisure in Society 、Statistics 、Marketing Management in Leisure Industry 、History and Culture of Taiwan 、leisure programming 、Massage and Stretching for Sport 、Rural Tourism and Leisure Community Development 、Applied Japanese 、Basic Physical Eduction 
3rd Year
Leisure Psychology and consumer Behavior 、Leisure business and resource inventory (I) 、Service Industry Management 、Restaurant Management 、Hotel Management 、Theme Park Management 、Travel Industry Management 、outdoor recreation replica louis vuitton programming 、Proffessional Ethics and Career Management 
4th Year
Plan Draft and Evaluation 、Restaurant Management 、Theme Park Management、outdoor recreation programming 、Hotel Management
Master's degree
1st Year
Seminar in Management 、Leisure Theory Studies 、Research Methods 、Sports leisure and health manage 、Marketing Management for Leisure Services 、Leisure Services Innovation Management、Psychology and Behavior in Leisure 
2nd Year
Seminar (Ⅰ)、Learning by Practice in mulberry outletOversea 、Studies on Trend of Leisure Industry、seminar on leisure and sport 
Mater's degree on the job programs
1st Year
PoDing Memorial Lectures in Management 、Research Methods、sport and recreation programming and evaluation 、Green Leisure Industry Research 
2nd Year
Seminar (Ⅰ)、The Research of International Industries 、seminar on leisure and sport 、Study the cause of leisure 、Selected topics on Specific Leisure Industry Management